I am reading Chekhov's short stories and in doing so i came across a passage that greatly interested me. The reason that i find it interesting is that all of my friends are so passionate about enjoying life and learning new things but are constantly held back by that evil fiend whispered quietly as time. But we live in the most technologicaly advanced country in the world. These countless technologies serve mainly to "make things easier and faster." Wouldnt it seem that with all these things we would have all the time that we need to read, study, and help those that our hearts are burdened for? This quote was written in 1896.
"If all of us, city and country dwellers alike, everyone without exception, would agree to divide among ourselves the work that is expended in satisfying the physical needs of mankind, each of us would be required to work perhaps two or three hours a day, no more. Imagine if we were able to invent machines to replace our work and tried to reduce the quanitity of our needs to the minimum! What a lot of free time we should have as a result! All of us together would devote this leisure to sciences and the arts. All of us as a community would search together for truth and the meaning of life, and - I am convinced of this - the truth would very soon be discovered."
I am curious what can be said of this? Computers, cars, calculators, microsoft, laptops, INTERNET...truth be found?