Sunday, August 19, 2007

Human beings are beautiful...terrible but beautiful

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Child molester in your home

I have had some thoughts lately about the issue of sex slavery and the church. These thoughts have left me searching and longing for answers. I know that god has made me a very unique individual that will think about the world in a different way and will cause change within our world. And as i have worked on the issue of slavery there has been a great conviction in me that we must create change within the hearts of men. There are many organizations and groups that help the victims and that is my heart, but what of those who are watching child pornography, molesting children, and visiting brothels? According to the AMA there is no cure for child pedophilia. So ultimately no one has any real answers to how we can change the issue except to make punishments more severe. I believe that the church must be the place that not only is the refuge for the victims, but the place where those with these issues can seek change. I had a conversation with some of my friends recently. They were telling me that they would feel very uncomfortable if they knew that there were people in their church that were dealing with the issue. They would not be able to let their children go anywhere alone, and they would always be afraid that something would happen. Now let me say that i do not have children so i therefore do not know the wait of being a father and protecting my children. But these words made me think: is the church supposed to be a safe place? My heart was saddened, because what we are saying is that we ultimately can never trust someone like that...we dont believe they can really change. I have struggled with addictions my whole life. Its something that may always tempt me. And one of the things that has always made me struggle was the thought that if people knew they would no longer be with me. I pray that the church would be a place where men that are pedophiles and child molesters could come and be set free...and that we would not shut our doors and lives because of fear. Is it scary? Do we need to use wisdom and discernment? Yes, by no means am i saying that we should be careless. But please let us be filled with compassion and not reject them. When we look at the ministry of Jesus, he went to those who were the outcasts of society. They werent just those that society shunned, they were those that society feared. Our sins are just as dark as those raping a child right now. Which is ultimately what Jesus meant when he said, "He who is without sin throw the first stone." We dont want those that have been child molesters in our church? Who do we want then? Are we now like an organization that must look at your backround before you can get in? Would you let a man that was a child molester into your home? We must rise to the occasion and deal with this issue. My heart is broken for the boys and girls whose lives were destroyed by those men. But my heart is also broken for the man who is sitting in his car right now asking whether he should do it or not. I believe that anyone can change, and that he power of god is strong enough to break any chain and any addiction and mindset. Call me ignorant, foolish, unwise, or just a utopian who is just naive and idealistic. Maybe i am, but i believe that god is as well. He has to be in order to believe in me.

