Stalin said as he, Roosevelt, and Churchill met at Yalta, "How many divisions does the Pope have?" This was implying that he didnt care what the Pope thought because it was he, Stalin, who had the military power, not the Pope. Teddy Roosevelt said, "Carry a big stick." Clausewitz said, "War is the continuation of politics by other means." War has been with us forever. Maybe it is part of our nature to war. Is it part of the heart of God? When we read the psalms by David, who was one that God said was after his heart, we see that David describes God in very military terms. "Rise oh Warrior," "Destroy my enemy," etc. And we also see that God delighted in those that rose up to wage war on the other countries that God despised.
I remember when i was young, i would always stage "military battles" of all eras. There were the classical age battles, the middle age battles, the early 20th century battles, the modern battles, and future battles acted out. Most boys do this. Why? Maybe war is something thats ingrained in our soul...and thats not a bad thing. Even Jesus said, "the kingdom of god is advanced through Violence." Now i am not taking that out of conctext and saying that we should advance the kingdom through armies and fighting. But why have we tried to kill the warrior inside of people? Why have we tried to say that passive peace is best? Maybe God engineered us to long for war...weird. And i close with one of America's most honorable, ethical, and more godly men, Robert E. Lee, " It is well that war is so terrible - otherwise we would grow too love it." Interesting...we would grow to love it?