Saturday, May 26, 2007


Tchaikovsky said, "I do not write music. The peasant in the fields writes my symphonies. The butcher writes my ballets. The engineer writes my romance songs. All i do is organize the notes." What an interesting idea from one of classical music's greatest composers. Music's greatest melodies originate from the soul of the common person. Maybe if we would listen to our own song then we would also soar like the melodies that we listen to on our ipods and cd players (or cassette players...


Anonymous said...

Without. Words.

Elena said...

I am still not one of your friends. Punk! :)

Eric Sidler said...

I like the musicians thoughts. Very true, I believe. It seems that music, like any form of art, is a medium through which to express the divine as well as the human. Music does seem unique, however, in its ability to lift our spirits and bring us to that mysterious realm where the human and the divine comingle.

