"Is not a kiss the very autograph of love?" said Henry Finck. What's in a kiss? Why is it so special? Why does it mean so much? Does it still mean what poets have said of it? Does it still hold that same magic that captured the hearts of the most hardened men? Percy Shelly writes, "Soul meets soul on lovers' lips." Do my lips touching another's lips speak to her inner soul?
Intimacy has been dragged through the mud and left to be mocked and laughed at by the multitudes. Forgotten and destitute. Yet we miss her... We miss her gentle and ever secure kiss. Where have you gone? Dont leave us to be like the animals of the earth. Don't leave us to ourselves...
Why do we smile when we see the couple at the end of the movie finally kiss? Why does something leap in our hearts when we see a couple kiss while sitting on a park bench? At that moment there is a certain pride that they and they alone share. Soul meets soul... Did you oh God not make man to be intimate?
Read these words of John Milton, "To the nuptial bow'r i led her blushing like the Morn: all Heav'n and happy constellations on that hour shed their selectest influence; the earth gave sign of gratulation, and each hill; Joyous the birds; fresh gales and gentle airs whispered it to the woods, and from their wings flung rose, flung odours from the spicy shrub, disporting, till the amorous bird of night sung spousal, and bid haste the ev'ning star." Creation sang its chosen song when man was intimate with woman at last.
A kiss is not something to be shared lightly. Not something to just laugh about and share with the world. My soul is uncharted and unknown. Its been said that the eyes are the window into my soul. But a kiss...a kiss is a language only understood by those who know its language. A kiss is a language that only me and those that are able to discover my soul can share. For as Judy Garland said, "Twas no my lips you kissed...but my soul."
David, your poem on Gretchen's blog is beautiful, made me cry. Touched me soul. Thank you so much for sharing it with all of us!
And your blog is really amazing. I love it and it encourages me to see that there are still people in the world who view kiss and intimacy the way you've described. Thank you, rabbit
Beautifully written David. How empty one is when only the physical is experienced, and we have all been there. After a moment of what is thought to be intimate, one is left empty and alone, exposed but not known. We want someone to see beyond the surface and venture to the depths of our heart and experience the beauty waiting to be discovered.
Thankfully though initmacy has been "lost" it is not gone forever. The desire burns with in us to know and be known and the experience is like nothing else. And we recognize it is not only women who desire this but men as well. Society often paints a picture where the woman is the "hopeless romantic" desiring to be wooed and the man is after her body alone. What an injustice to the heart of man. As if he was created for nothing more than an act. We each carry a treasure within, something sacred deposited by our Beloved Creator to be shared with another. As Elena said I too am glad there are those of us who want the real thing, not some counterfeit relationship.
And on an entirely different note, great poem, coffee inspires many it seems. I really liked your comparisons, I can see how Elena found it so emotional, seriously, Bullets and guns, Beyonce and buns...
Poignant thoughts here David. So much of the titillating environment we live in pours over into our perceptions of relationships, love, etc. I have been pondering intimacy to be the pursuit toward the inner character of the one grabbing my attention.
We can kiss the lips of our partner, and never really touch the "lips" of their soul. We attempt to capture the unseen through physical actions, only to miss the importance of the inner person. How important the conversating and dialogue, and the listening process become to the pursuit of the true individual. When we engage in these more "specific" actions we put ourselves on the path to finding the whole person.
Just some thoughts which occured to me in reading your blog.
These words and introspection from a man really brings healing to my soul. Thank you for sharing.
David, I love what you wrote. This was the subject of many of my poems in and around 2000, for some reason. I'm putting one of the more amateur ones below- :)
Your eyes were not designed by chance
But were given for you to see--
And seeing, for you to behold--
And beholding, for you to possess.
For what purpose were you given lips?
Are they not the boundary where
The inner ends and the outer begins?
A useless attempt--words are,
To communicate what passion stirs within.
Do not destroy with vocabulary
That beauty which silence has constructed.
What then-is the answer?
Let boundaries meet, and understanding flow
From one depth to another
heck yes, check out my poetry blog, it's connected to my profile:
I named it "Distant Fire" after Don Quixote's maiden that said "Distant fire and sharp swords neither burn nor cut the one who does not come near them."
I was fascinated by that book.
But I'd love to have your commentary on my poetry.
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