Wednesday, April 2, 2008

You must have a name

There’s a social place with many people
Laughter can be heard all around
A couple whispers loving secrets
Books and words greatly abound

You sit alone and lonely you are
You must have a story; you must have a name
Every face itself has seen in a thousand mirrors
Every eye has cried tears of pain

This morning the world wakes up
Your existence unknown and unsought
Tonight every eye will shuts in wandering dreams
You say a little prayer wishing it to be eternity

Sitting there in your chair I see your thoughts:
Will no one come speak to me you ask?
Is there no one who cares to hold my hand?
Does no one notice I don’t smile anymore?

I don’t know if tonight will let you live one more day
I don’t know honestly if I would notice if you died
I don’t know if any tears would be shed for your loss
But I do know that I saw you sitting there, and I won’t forget

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very sincere. I like this David.

