Monday, May 26, 2008

Memorial Day

Today is Memorial Day. Most of us are sleeping in and doing things that are relaxing. Probably all of us are going to some kind of Barbecue or cookout. We are going to eat a lot, laugh a lot, probably drink a lot and enjoy a holiday from work, school, and most other obligations. Have we forgotten what we are actually celebrating? Are we really celebrating anything? This day is honor the thousands of men and women who have died, and sacrificed their lives for this country. I am sure the families of the fallen, who have lost their loved ones recently are not so festive and merry. It seems though that we have really lost the meaning of most of our holidays in America. Thanksgiving becomes more about stuffing oneself rather than remembering what we are thankful for and who are thankful to. Christmas becomes a craze to get gifts rather than celebrate the one true selfless gift. St. Patrick's day becomes a day to drink silly rather than remember one of history's great reformers. Memorial day is a day of remembering the fallen. It is a day of sorrowful thankfulness. I guess I have personally been convicted about this because I dont want to become a citizen who does not give praise to where praise is due, comfort to where comfort is due, and honorable silence when it is due. I just found out that when I did a little research that actually one of the things that is done for Memorial day is a national moment of remembrance at 3 p.m ET. I never knew this but i am sure most of us do not do this, or as in my case never even heard of it. So let us come back to what this holiday is truly about. Let us not forget the fallen or their families. Let us ask God for grace and mercy on them that are mourning. And let us honor those that were so young, so brave, and so honorable that they were willing to as in the words of Abraham Lincoln, "sacrifice their lives on the alter of freedom."


Anonymous said...

Thank you David, this convicted me for I so often forget the real meaning of these holidays.

Eric Sidler said...

This is good, and a necessary reminder for all of us. Thanks, David.

Elena said...

Good post. Unfortunately we loose the true meaning of lots of things in our life. Not only holidays but relationships, religion, etc. Instead of taking things for what they are and appreciate them we make them fit our understand, our expectations, our needs. We look at lot of events, holidays, relationships in our life and try to see how it would benefit us. Anyway, thanks for reminding and bringing the right perspective on this particular holiday.

